One of Kim Kiyosaki’s motivation of “Rich Woman Coaching” was to break the repeated cycle in her life years ago of going to work, getting a paycheck and paying bills. Today, she and her husband Robert have built a large empire that will leave a lasting legacy for years to come. Start a business not only to make money but aspire to solve a problem. Find your purpose, find your gift that will help others and make that your business..!
Here are 7 tips to finding your business bliss... 1. Be Curious… Always be curious about what’s happening around you. A now millionaire attributes her wealth to a piece of paper that came across her desk by mistake one day. This led to questions and ideas that have kept her wealthy. 2. Take & Keep Control… When you do have your own business, do not let it own you..! I have often joked with people in a serious way that I treat my cellphone as a house phone in that I do not answer it every time it rings. I set aside personal time in which I devote my focus onto the tasks at hand and the people around me. I am also a heavy user in batching my time (for time is one the most valued assets). Plan your week and days in advance. Set limits and maintain a work/ home balance. 3. Invest in help… Even if its just a couple of hours each week in paperwork or running errands. This not only gives you more time to bring in more income, but also allows you to sow seed into another person by hiring them. First positions needed may include…Administrative Assistant & a Bookkeeper (you do not have to know Quickbooks, just know how to read reports). 4. Gain visibility… Best way to gain visibility is to know who your ideal client is. Find ways to get in front of them in large numbers Find a Mentor or a Coach… Anything you want to get good at, find a mentor or a coach. 5. Isolate Your Self… to people who lift you up and support you in your business. Evaluate the feedback of those who speak into your business. Are they successful in business? Do they cheer you on into success? Are they giving you constructive feedback? Invest in audio from motivational speakers even if its through time with Youtube University. 6.Visit This Entrepreneurial Guru HERE whose words and energy have greatly inspired me and get her free audio to help you start your business bliss. 7. Compare and Compete… You cant focus on what others are doing so much. Your path will always be different from others around you. I always say that you should always strive to compete with your self. This is because there are so many variables in life that would never give you an equal footing with another. Focus on your path and what you have. Focus on improving. – Sherry Quadri An asset is a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality. Your mind, body, time, and resources are valuable assets. What you feed them is of great importance. Anything that is of value to you is considered to be important or beneficial. Learn and share tips and secrets to becoming a wealthier person in all aspects of life..! 2016 is year for great change, blessings, & makeovers of yearnings that come from the heart..! – Sherry Lola Quadri |
Treasure your Value Assets..! Categories
August 2019
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
- Hippocrates |